Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday January 21

Tell me about your three day weekend. How was it? What did you do? Elaborate!

For me, the three day weekend was a very relaxing and fun time. First off, since we got off school early on Friday I went out to eat with a few of my good friends. After that I went to a workout for football then spent that night with the same friends. Saturday morning I was up bright and early for work. I am employed at Grass Pad on 199th street right of 69 highway. I worked 7:45 to 5 that night. And after a long days work I went out with a few of my friends to go to a party. Then on Sunday I got up for church and then in the afternoon I had a basketball game which we ended up loosing. And Finally on Monday since we didnt have school i spent the whole day in bed and doing homework. 

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